As a parent with a child about to go back to school, I’m surrounded by messages of angst about what the new school year will look like. Will it be online or in person? What do either of those options even look like?

The answer: We’re all still figuring that out.

Just as schools are having to create a new normal, so are you with your wine brand.

In the past few months, we’ve helped our winery clients come up with great ideas to adapt and innovate. 

Some of our clients have quickly added an eCommerce store with Shopify and Vinoshipper. Others have created additional outdoor spaces and created an online reservation system to better track the number of people coming through their tasting room.

And beyond our clientele, we’ve been watching the wine and spirits industry closely to see what kinds of ideas companies are coming up with and acting on.

(Busch beer is running a puzzle contest. Who would have thought, pre-COVID-19, that beer and puzzles would be a thing?)

But I know we haven’t seen them all. So we want to know — 

How has your winery innovated?

We want to hear from you. (We’ll share our favorites on our blog and in our next email newsletter!)

• What new way of marketing are you using?
• What surprises have you seen from your innovation?
• What does a win look like for your wine brand right now?

Click here to tell us what your winery has been doing to adapt to the times.

We could all use some positive stories and solidarity right now. Take a few minutes and tell us your story so we can shine a light on your brand.