In 2018, KC Wineworks approached Bauerhaus about designing a canned wine to appeal to their Female Millennial and Generation X target market.
The marketing director, Lindsay, and I started the conversation by talking about the importance of the can color. It needed to photograph well on Instagram, no matter the background.
We also wanted the name to be a hashtag that was new, so consumers could easily tag photos on Instagram and KC Wineworks could re-post the photos on their social media accounts. Hashtags are free advertising for any brand and incorporating the hashtag on the can increased their social reach.
Results? They launched with 3,000 cans on August 3rd and by September 20 they had sold 2,700 cans. Plus, fans tagged their photos with #showmesangria on Instagram.
James, the winemaker, also says that this is their “gateway wine.” Meaning people say they don’t like wine, drink this, and then want to try the rest of their other wines.
Want to see their wine in bottles?
To see their full product line, plus read about the Midwest owners, check out the case study KC Wineworks: Collaborating to create a family wine brand.