I recently attended a marketing conference and the topic most people wanted to know more about was Responsive website design. What is it? Do I need it? Why is it so awesome?
Technology is moving so fast, that a website from 3 years ago isn’t going to have the same benefits as now. With the popularity of smartphones, the most popular way to build a website is “responsive.” This means the size of your website automatically adjusts based on your browser size. That way phone, tablet and desktop users all see a website that is clean and organized. This makes your brand experience seamless across all devices. No more pinching and zooming in and out on your smart phone trying to click on buttons and read microscopic text.
Your website, your brand
Since your winery’s website is the central hub (or part of the spider web) and often the first point of contact for the consumer, you need to make sure the visual’s on your website perfectly tell your brand story. This means, colors, fonts, textures, content and photos need to give the same feeling someone gets walking into your business. Google published a study called the “Zero Moment of Truth” and shared that the average shopper references 10.4 sources online before making a purchase. It’s essential that you accurately visually represent your brand’s position to stand out from the competitors the consumer is also researching.
With a responsive website design, you can easily tell your brand story and keep the same look across all devices. The old way to do it was to have a separate mobile website that was primarily text based and consisted of bars that stacked. Now, with responsive website design, you can include photos (that automatically scale down) and even use the same fonts and colors as your website.
Creating a clear path
Salesforce recently published a study that found it still takes 7 touch points for 80% of sales. Make sure you have a clear path to capture each potential customer’s information. For example, is it sign up for our newsletter, buy wine now, follow on social media or fill out your contact form? Just like print ads should always include a call to action, so should your website. Websites are no longer just informational. Now with responsive website design, you can lead your customers across all devices to the information they need.
Make your own changes
The responsive website designs we build also all include CMS (Content Management System), like WordPress, built in. This allows you to make changes – text and photos – to your website yourself. You can even post blog posts from a mobile app to your website. Pretty cool!
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