Read our top seven low-cost marketing tips for growth in 2017.

I was talking to a client of mine that just launched a new wine brand. He talked about how he felt like marketing he has tried just doesn’t work. However he doesn’t have a monthly marketing budget to outsource marketing to an agency like Bauerhaus. He already took our free Sell More Wine email series, so what can he do himself that will make a difference? He doesn’t have a tasting room, but instead is relying on restaurant sales, online wine sales and wine club memberships to sell 400 cases of wine in 2017.

1. Create a strong brand

Having an unforgettable brand – logo, packaging, story, messaging, photos, type, etc – is always the first step before you start any marketing campaign. Each piece of your marketing should be communicating the same brand elements over and over. Marketing still takes at least 7 touch points before most sales, so having a consistent message is essential.

2. Create a blog and update it monthly

Think about this – if someone wants something, where do they go? Usually they Google it. The more content you can produce around your wine brand, the higher you will rank when a user types in a question or topic in Google search. For example, if you are a New York winery specializing in Rieslings and weddings, all of your content should be focused on these two topics. It could be Riesling food pairings, Top wine wedding trends in 2017, or the best wedding toasts of 2016 (featuring your wine of course!).

3. Email list sign up

Every website we design and develop has to include one key thing: Email newsletter sign up. Why? Did you know email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter? Email marketing should be the cornerstone of your small wine brand. Every person that comes to your website should see a clear path to sign up for your email newsletter.

4. Email newsletter

Now that you have their email address, what is next? Use the monthly blog content and send it out in a monthly newsletter. To make any sale, a customer goes through the steps of “know me, like me, trust me” before they make a purchase. Consistent email is a great way to build trust with your potential customers. Check out this great list of 7 tips to improve your email marketing.

5. Social Media

Use the same blog content on social media and make sure to include photos and video. Posts with photos and video rank higher in social media than plain text posts. One common mistake we see wineries make is that they only try to sell wine or an event on social media. Many experts now say 90% of posts should be value-add and only 10% promotional. Instead inform, inspire, entertain, discuss and engage. Learn 5 secrets to improve your social media here.

6. Facebook ads

If you are going to pick one form of advertising, we recommend Facebook ads. They are very cheap and allow you to target your exact customer demographic. A few of the ways you can target future customers – pick age, location and interests that they like in your ad settings. Plus, with Facebook ads you can test several different ads and see which messaging gets the highest interaction.

7. Collaborate

If you know your target consumers demographics, you can collaborate with another company that has your same audience. This way you will both benefit from combining your two email lists, social media contacts, etc.

Need help with marketing?

As a full service branding and marketing agency, we provide a variety of services to help you build relationships with customers and sell more online. Contact us to discuss your needs and we’ll provide a free estimate customized specifically for your brand.

